Translating Science to Practice

in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH)

to bring practical solutions

and bridge the knowledge gap


Learn more about our history and what we do from our Intro Presentation


Global WaSH supports education in the area of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH)

We empower communities with knowledge to strengthen the work of local organizations working in the WaSH sector.

We focus our education programs to answer questions throughout the entire lifecycle of a project :


What are the WaSH needs of a community?


What are the WaSH solutions based on community needs and resources?


How can we implement a WaSH project?


How can we measure progress?

Buy a T-Shirt with a Purpose!

You deserve a little dose of positivity every day. Buy one of our T-shirts and your purchase will help fund our WaSH programs to bring clean water and sanitation to someone in need.

Compre uma Camiseta com Propósito!

Você merece uma pequena dose de positividade! Compre uma camiseta e gere um impacto social levando água e saneamento às comunidades no Brasil.

We are a highly qualified team that provides education in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) to communities, NGOs, and grassroots organizations. A trusted, international, and multicultural organization of WaSH expertise, led by Dr. Isis Mejias, that delivers models for sustained growth of communities throughout the world.

Today, about 4.8 billion people lack safely managed sanitation around the world and more than 2.5 billion rely on unsafe drinking water. This population is trapped in a cycle of poverty and disease because they lack access to safe and sufficient WaSH services. We aim to provide the nonprofit WaSH sector with tools to reduce this cycle of poverty.

Buy a T-Shirt with Purpose!

 Today, 29 September- marks the launch of our T-shirt campaign "Buy with Purpose".  Think global, act global. 100% of our proceeds support our WaSH Programs! This year we decided to launch our online shop to raise funds for the WaSH Programs we work on, and all of our...

Water is Life Campaign

Today, 22 March- World Water Day, marks the launch of our annual campaign "Water is Life".  Together, with Engineers Without Borders and the Albert Sabin Institute, we call on our governments, donors, NGOs, and research institutions to show they will help bring water...

Happy World Water Day 2022!

Today is World Water Day, 22 March, 2022. The theme: Groundwater –making the invisible visible. The theme of World Water Day 2022 is groundwater. Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere.Out of sight,under our feet, groundwater is a hidden...

Are you ready to improve your WaSH program today?

Global WaSH offers education and technical training to build capacity in the WaSH sector and meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030.


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